Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Setting Your Style With Beautiful Jewelry Tips

Jewelry can be the perfect gift because people of all ages love to receive it and wear it. There are few gifts that have stood the test of time as jewelry has. Jewelry is always the perfect way to commemorate special events and achievements. This article can instruct you on the things that you need to know about jewelry buying.

At some point in your life, you may have been approached by a friendly stranger in a store parking lot, claiming to work at a big retail store and offering to sell you a piece of jewelery at an unbelievably low price. If you have heard the phrase, "buyer beware" now is the time to heed those words and walk away. Most of the time it is merely gold plated and will change color within a month or so. If you think it may be the real deal offer to go to a pawn shop to test the purity. If they refuse then definitely walk away before you end up getting duped.

When buying an engagement ring, be sure that it can be returned. Many people just assume that their boyfriend or girlfriend will say yes when they ask them to marry them. If they say no, you want to make sure that you will be able to get your money back on the ring.

When buying a diamond, priority should be given to the diamond's cut, carat weight, and color. The least consideration should be given to the diamond's clarity. Since imperfections in a diamond are usually extremely small, they usually have no effect upon the brilliance of the diamond. The brilliance of a diamond depends almost entirely its cut and proportions.

Jewelry is widely recognized as a gift that everyone loves to receive. It is a great way to mark the special times in your life and can last forever so it is always a great investment, not to mention the sentimental value that jewelry can hold. By learning more about jewelry from this article, you will be equipped to find that special jewelry piece to express your feelings perfectly.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Optimize Your Jewelry With These Great Tips

People have always enjoyed jewelry. Take a look at history and you will see gorgeous necklaces adorning the necks of almost every wealthy lady. Walk through a busy street and you'll find a watch on each person's arm. Jewelry makes us happy, and choosing the right piece of jewelry is ever so important. In this article we will provide you with some tips for picking that perfect piece.

Men are very picky about the jewelry they wear, especially when they are gifted some that may seem feminine. When selecting jewelry for a man, make sure it something that goes with the way that they dress. Also, when selecting what you will get for him make sure that it is subtle and not flashy.

When it comes to men's jewelry fashion tips, it is important to consider that choosing the outfit first is essential. This is important because the outfit should be what stands out the most, not the jewelry. Let the clothing dictate which jewelry is worn and you will end up looking much more like you know what you're doing.

Before you step out for the day take one last look at your jewelry. It is important to edit your look, whether it means taking pieces off or adding a few. Accessories are key to a put together look for both men and women but too many accessories, especially jewelry, can create a gaudy look. On the other hand, some clothing can look undone without the appropriate jewelry.

For men, the best jewelry accessories are watches. Not only will a watch complete your look for work, or for hanging out with your friends on a game day, it also acts as measure of your success. Make sure that you have at least one casual watch and one formal watch so you can complete your outfit appropriately.

Metal allergies can make wearing any type of jewelry, most especially wrist watches, itchy and painful. A simple way to alleviate the itch that some non-precious metals (common in many watch cases) can cause, change your watch band to one made of leather or cloth and then apply a coat of clear nail polish to the back of your watch. The nail polish, while not permanent, can easily be reapplied when needed and protects your skin from being in direct contact with the metal case of the watch. If the buckle of that new watch band is metal, don't forget to give it a coating of nail polish as well. Even that tiny bit of metal can cause some serious discomfort to those with sensitivities.

Jewelry is something we have loved throughout the ages. Picking that perfect piece can be difficult though. You want something that is special, makes a statement, and shows true quality. In this article we have provided you with some of the top tips for picking that perfect gem. Use them next time you visit your favorite jewelry store and you'll walk out with a lasting smile on your face.